Marjolaine Rostain

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Email: rostain (at)
Twitter: @m_rostain
Links: CV


Marjolaine Rostain is an ethnographer who studies the impact of technology on workers’ tasks and behaviors. She is particularly interested in analyzing changes, both at organizational and individual levels, induced by technology. For her dissertation, she has conducted an eight-month long ethnography in a company that produces molds. She is planning to conduct new ethnographic research in settings where AI technologies are emerging and disrupting ways of doing.

Born in the south of France, Marjolaine started her education as a chemical engineer in France. Before finishing her degree, she spent one year in Germany where she worked as a lab technican in a R&D research center in a chemistry company. After being graduated she continued her studies with a specialized master in Technology and Innovation Management. Then, she started working as a project manager in a cluster of SME and then became the director of this cluster for four years. She, then, turned into academic and started a PhD in management at emlyon business school. She is now a post-doctoral researcher at emlyon.

Research Interests

Work, Skills, Craftwork, Ethnography, Organizational Culture, Technology, Innovation Management


  • Integrating Cobots in Complex Organizational Setting (Marjolaine Rostain, Ruthanne Huising, Nadine Bender)

Based on interviews, the authors try to understand the process and challenges of implementing cobots (collaborative robots) in industrial setting. They focus on how work and roles are reconfigured after the implementation of such robots as the human-machine interaction is highly different than for usual robots. Particularly, they highlight through different case studies how the flexibility/complexity paradox of these cobots may be a challenge for their implementation.

  • Epistemic Skill: Reintegrating Conception and Execution on the Shop Floor (Marjolaine Rostain, Ruthanne Huising)

Based on an eight month ethnography of a highly automated machine shop, the authors develop the concept of epistemic skill as a means through which shop-floor workers develop the resources to increase their discretion over their work and develop more autonomy. Epistemic skill refers to the ability to read, interpret, and manipulate the conceptual material—including drawings, simulations, program code, and other symbol-laden materials—that inform the execution of work. This skill allows workers to integrate, periodically, the conception of their work with its execution.


Rostain, Marjolaine (2021) “The Impact of Organizational Culture on Entrepreneurial Orientation: a Meta-analysis” Forthcoming Journal of Business Venturing Insights

Rostain, Marjolaine and Alain Fayolle (2018) “L’effet Combiné de la Culture Organisationnelle et de la Culture Industrielle sur l’Orientation Entrepreneuriale” In Altintas, G., Kustosz, I., capacités entrepreneuriales : des organisations aux territoires. Caen, Edition EMS.

Rostain, Marjolaine and Alain Fayolle (2017) “Entrepreneur et Organisation”. In Uzunidis, D., Tiran, A., Dictionnaire économique de l’entrepreneur (p273-277). Paris, Editions Classiques Garnier.