Research Center for Work, Technology, and Organization

Work, Technology, & Organization is a social science research center located at Emlyon Business School. We study work and expertise in the context of technological, organizational, and institutional change.

Our research focuses on the role of expertise and professions in shaping technological, organizational, and institutional change, and reciprocally, how such changes are reshaping expertise, professions, and work.

We draw on a range of research methods to advance our theoretical and practical understanding of ongoing transformations of work, and its implications for collaboration, control, and inequality.


Career Opportunity

Postdoctoral researcher position (2 years) at Research Centre for Work, Technology, & Organization. (Application Deadline: 31st March, 2022)

New Research Article

Pause, Pivot, and Shift:
Situational Human Capital and Responses to Sudden Job Loss”, by Nicholas Occhiuto (with Heba Gowayed & Ashley Mears), in American Behavioral Scientist.

New Research Article

Enabling disruptive innovations: a comparative case study of Uber in New York City, Chicago and San Francisco”, by Nicholas Occhiuto, in Socio-Economic Review.

Address: emlyon business school
144 Avenue Jean-Jaurès
69007 - Lyon
Email: huising (at)

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